Candidates wishing to attend Pacific Island region Fisheries Observer (PIRFO) training will, in most cases, need to be available for 7-9 weeks intense training. Please see minimum requirements below:
Must be a high school graduate or equivalent and able to carry out calculations on catch and other fisheries related statistic.
Between the ages of of 21 to 40 years old and mature enough to converse confidently with fishing vessel officers in difficult circumstances and be able to deal with confidentiality of work relations.
Be physically and mentally capable of carrying out observer duties, able to pass a sea-going medical clearance certificate issued by an authorized medical practitioner at any time, if required.
Can write comprehensive reports on activities aboard a vessel in English.
Clear police record with a history of strong socially acceptable ethical standards in the areas of honesty and public behavior and able to travel with clear immigration record.
Available for a PIRFO pre-selection screening test.
Able to go to sea for long periods in foreign and (sometimes) unfriendly environments (sea time can be from 7 to 100 days but is generally from 30-60 days on purse seiners and 10 to 30 days on long liners fishing vessels).
Must have a valid passport and No criminal records or known cases overseas.